A team you can trust

The internet is full of guaranteed advice on nutrition during pregnancy. Many of them draw information from unverified sources or from scientific studies with limited informative value. Our information is backed by strong scientific data that has been reviewed by experts.

Pioneers in pregnancy nutrition

Clinical studies have revealed that most women suffer from nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy. Mumo can identify an imbalance in nutrition, and then our nutritionist will prepare a solution tailored to each mother.

Our team consists of doctors, scientists and nutritionists. We connect clinical medicine with science. Our professional team is led by leading immunologist Norbert Žilka and renowned gynecologist Alexandra Krištúfková.

Doc. MUDr. Alexandra Krištúfková, PhD.

Docentka Alexandra Krištúfková pracuje ako lekárka na 1. gynekologicko-pôrodníckom oddelení, Lekárskej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave.

V rokoch 2013–2017 zastávala pozíciu generálnej sekretárky Európskej siete stážistov v odbore pôrodníctva a gynekológie, neziskovej organizácie, ktorá združuje a zastupuje európskych stážistov z odboru.

Okrem toho je členkou výkonného výboru Európskej rady a kolégia pôrodníctva a gynekológie. Je tiež sekretárkou Slovenskej spoločnosti pôrodníkov a gynekológov. Docentka Krištúfková do Muma prináša cenné skúsenosti ako poradkyňa pre výživu v tehotenstve.​

Doc. MVDr. Norbert Žilka, DrSc.​

Pôsobí ako riaditeľ Neuroimunologického ústavu SAV a zároveň je vedeckým riaditeľom biotechnologickej spoločnosti AXON Neuroscience.

Je členom Slovenskej komisie pre udeľovanie vedeckých hodností a členom poradného orgánu Výskumnej a inovačnej autority na Úrade vlády Slovenskej republiky.

We bring evidence verified by the best in the field

Our experts follow the latest research in the field of nutrition for pregnant women and critically assess all new knowledge. One of the many tools for assessing the quality of research is the Cochrane database, one of the largest standards in evidence-based medicine. We bring new knowledge to mothers in a simple and easy-to-understand form.

Dried Blood Spot

Blood is an important source of information about the state of health of mothers. Mumo uses an innovative dry blood drop method, which is characterized by simple, painless collection in the comfort of your home. In addition, we only need four drops of blood taken from the tip of the finger.

The analysis of your sample is provided by a certified European laboratory.

The first evidence-based nutrition guide for pregnant women

Mumo analyzes a small drop of blood from your finger and creates a tailor-made nutritional plan - from tasty recipes to a selection of pregnancy supplements in the purest and highest quality form. 

From the comfort of your home, in every stage of your pregnancy.

Reduce the risk of complications

Support the healthy development of your baby

Get a piece of mind


Until recently, we lacked relevant information on the levels of individual nutrients during pregnancy in the European population of women. Until now, the World Health Organization reported information about the deficit of important nutrients, which dominantly came from developing countries, where there is a lack of quality food. Recently, some large clinical studies have revealed an unexpectedly high number of pregnant women in Europe who suffer from a deficiency of some important nutrients.     

Určite vás prekvapí, že na klasické vyšetrenie krvi by vám museli odobrať až štyri veľjé skúmavky krvi. Nám stačia štyri malé kvapky vašej životodarnej tekutiny. A odber je bezbolestný.

A dried blood spot is a very accurate sampling method. After the blood is taken, it is allowed to dry on a special paper, where it is preserved. This process prevents the sample from breaking down and keeps it more stable for a longer period of time. umožňuje pohodlný a stabilný transport, skladovanie a manipuláciu s krvnými vzorkami a zároveň zabezpečuje dlhšiu trvanlivosť vzorky. Moderné technológie zabezpečujú vyšetrenie vybraných parametrov z veľmi malého objemu krvi.

We will send you the results of the blood analysis within 14 working days. However, we will do our best to make it as soon as possible.

Mumo analyzes and evaluates your blood sample in a certified European laboratory. The whole process is of course anonymized. Based on the results of your tests, i.e. the current state of nutrients in the blood, we will provide you with a tailor-made plan, according to your current needs with regard to the stage of pregnancy. 

In addition to a precise and comprehensible interpretation of your results, you will receive a nutritional plan that will be built taking into account the current level of nutrients in your body. Mumo care also includes tips and advice on how to get the most out of your diet for yourself and your baby, or a book of quick, tasty and extra nutritious recipes. You will also get an explanation of deeper connections about diet during pregnancy and its impact on the health of the mother and the baby. So that you know how to give yourself and your treasure only the best. 

Our nutrition program is backed by data, science and top experts. Its development took two years, and during this time we identified several problems that pregnant women suffer from. One of them is nutritional malnutrition, i.e. lack of nutrients, which affects up to 70% of expectant mothers.

Quality supplements are one way to supply the body with missing vitamins and minerals. However, their intake in a fragile period, as pregnancy undoubtedly is, should always be consulted with the attending physician. It is also important to respond to the needs of the body and take supplements in a targeted manner. This means only those vitamins and minerals that the body really lacks. It often happens to pregnant women that while they lack one vitamin, they have too much of another, which can harm both them and the unborn baby. 

Yes. We have identified the vitamins and minerals that are most important during pregnancy and translated them into top quality supplements. If your tests show that you are deficient in a certain nutrient, you can bring its levels to optimal levels with our supplements. However, do not forget that the alpha and omega during pregnancy is a nutritionally varied and rich diet. It is the fuel that drives the miracle of life. 

Of course. At Mumo, we are interested in all your food allergies and intolerances to include in your nutritional plan. In addition, you will also learn how such dietary restrictions affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals, as well as other interesting connections.

Yes. Mumo also thinks about vegans and vegetarians and takes these nutritional preferences into account in the nutritional plan. Whether in dietary recommendations or our varied recipes. 

Mumo is available in English and Slovak. We're working on more languages soon.